Notice: Undefined index: idquote in C:\wamp64\www\gmwindows\objects\send_msm_quote.php on line 17
Notice: Undefined index: cellphone in C:\wamp64\www\gmwindows\objects\send_msm_quote.php on line 18
Warning: file_put_contents(../quotes/): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\wamp64\www\gmwindows\fpdf\fpdf.php on line 1021
Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: FPDF error: Unable to create output file: ../quotes/ in C:\wamp64\www\gmwindows\fpdf\fpdf.php:271
Stack trace:
#0 C:\wamp64\www\gmwindows\fpdf\fpdf.php(1022): FPDF->Error('Unable to creat...')
#1 C:\wamp64\www\gmwindows\objects\send_msm_quote.php(519): FPDF->Output('F', '../quotes/', false)
#2 {main}
thrown in C:\wamp64\www\gmwindows\fpdf\fpdf.php on line 271